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JuneGallery - Retail
29.05.2014, 14:44

JuneGallery - Retail

FLA | SWF | XML | JS | PSD | HTML | 7.6 MB


June Gallery is a new, fresh-looking gallery , built on a two levels structure (image files stored in categories). It was thinked to be used standalone or embed in html, it is resizable and it has a clean and user friendly appearence, with smooth tweens wich create a nice visual experience. You can define your own categories or add your own images by editing the xml file. After the xml is loaded, the gallery will enable by default the first category and it will dinamically generate the thumbnails list. You can use images at any size and aspect ratio. Animated swf files are not supported. Images are smoothed and scaled to fit the window with the aspect ratio preserved. The description can be HTML formated and it supports most of the common HTML tags. Mouse wheel and scrollbar are enabled for long blocks of text. You have the next/previous buttons located on the sides, wich enable you to navigate easely through the images. The package includes: source files (Flash project, main .fla file, and external .as classes), published swf with html sample, help file and PSD with the design.

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Категория: Фото, видио галереи | Добавил: Junzer
Просмотров: 568 | Загрузок: 0 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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Junzer 2011-2014